Reaching New Heights in Nuclear Medicine

Hal O’Brien Rising Star Award


The Rising Star Award was created to celebrate the leadership legacy of the High Country meeting for its 40th anniversary.

Those of us who attend the HCNMC truly appreciate Dr. Hal O’Brien’s vision in creating such a unique format that brings together leaders from all branches of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. To recognize this legacy, and to provide the next generation of leaders the opportunity to benefit from this unique learning experience, we created the Hal O’Brien fund at the Education and Research Foundation for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (ERF).


What is the Hal O’Brien Rising Star Award?

The award is a $1,000 travel grant for a young professional whose clinical or radiopharmaceutical science work has been recognized by their peers. The award enables the awardee to travel to the meeting and present their work as part of the conference proceedings. The awardee also receives a plaque to commemorate the event.


Who is eligible for the award?

The award is intended for junior Faculty, Post-Docs and Fellows who are performing exemplary work in the radiopharmaceutical sciences, or clinical applications and research in oncology, cardiology and neurology.


How are nominees identified?

The HCNMC Organizing Committee (OC) formed an Award Sub-Committee to facilitate the award process. The sub-committee initiates a call for nominations in July directed to the SNMMI Councils and Centers of Excellence, and The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.


How are the awardees chosen?

The sub-committee reviews the applications and chooses the recipients for the upcoming meeting the following March.


How can I support the award process?

The ERF manages Rising Star as an endowed fund that will support the award in perpetuity. This is made possible by the generosity of both corporate and individual donors to the ERF.

The fund is still open, and contributions are greatly encouraged. Please visit to make a donation to this legacy award.